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United States

Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.





Name: Yasmin Nadir
Age: 30
Home: NAWA Coalition
Alliance: None (formerly Dunya Global)

Yasmin forsook her parents' tech empire to earn renown – and enemies – as a diplomat and envoy, until an ambush in the Peninsulas left her mortally wounded. In a world-first surgery, a cortical graft fused her brain with a nascent Artificial Intelligence, while prostheses restored her limbs.

But despite the focal array meant to keep it in check, the AI's voice blurs with her own. She doesn't know which one is hers... or if there's still a difference. Meanwhile, the corporations she once policed send agents to harvest and study her, seeing her as an experiment in immortality.


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