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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




The colossus

Name: Vestadt
Age: ~28
Home: The Moons
Alliance: None (formerly Caliborn)

Every one of Earth's hundred moons was an egg — dormant for millennia — within which slept the survivors of the titan race. Twenty five years ago they awoke, battling first each other, then humankind.

Vestadt was a soldier in those wars. He was forged as an alembic: a vessel for an unstable portal to the Uspir Singularity. In battle he wielded its power as a weapon against hundreds... but the wars are now over, the peace treaties signed. The titans are free to explore their new homeworld.

For Vestadt, that means seeking peace on a remote farm as he tries to keep the corruption within him at bay.


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