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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




The specialist

Name: Lance Corporal Kwasi Okilo
Age: 56
Home: Core River Nations
Alliance: Research Section for Scientific Arms

Soldiers wield weapons, but scientists build them. This is the mantra of Kwasi Okilo, who has given his life to the altars of research and war. As a teen he was recruited to Sci-Arms, where future tech is weaponized. A year later, he was leading the section.

While he still dabbles in civilian tech, his legacy is in armaments. He's built phase grenades and his own neo-cobalt spear. He designed the first atma cannon and Sci-Arms' very own skybase. He's killed satellites and chained titans. He is the quartermaster: all weapons are his.


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