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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




The gunner

Name: Pan Yuhua
Age: 20?
Home: Pan-Asian Compact
Alliance: Apsara Battalion

Unlike some ghosts, Pan Yuhua did not remember her death or former life. She coalesced, like a wave, in the Shanbei maelstrom. She found a home on Taiwu Rig: a research base studying ghosts. Agent Gyo, the grumpy officer on duty, would sit at the rail and trade stories with her. He helped her pick a name, one that meant "flower in the rain."

When storms and pirates devastated Taiwu, she saved Gyo and escaped to the mainland. There she was offered a new life: fight for Apsara Battalion. She did, testing strange weapons that reminded her of Taiwu, of the pirates in the rain.


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