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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




The Bear

Name: Belyaga (formerly U52)
Age: 5
Home: The Orthodoxy
Alliance: None (formerly Grigori Militia - Ursa Major Regiment)

Sleep. Eat. War. What more could a domesticated weapon want? As part of the Ursa Major Regiment, Belyaga once protected the Grigori Militia's northern flank, wearing tank armor and consuming a diet of fish and smugglers.

When a blizzard stranded her and her handler apart from the Regiment, she fell prey to wild ghosts… and what's left is a myriad soul that's rapidly evolving. Now supra-sentient, scientifically curious, and fluent in six languages, Belyaga has set out to explore the world with new eyes. Foremost on her mind: understanding the spectral mineral atma which gave rise to ghosts – and her own powers.


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