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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.




The huntress

Name: Arctura Leeds
Age: 41
Home: United Commonwealth
Alliance: Halo Squadron Royale — Orbital Corps

When you're the best career pilot in the Commonwealth, what's next? For Arctura Leeds, it was a tour in Halo Squadron Royale, blasting moonfalls out of orbit with her AI copilot Riven... until a megaton over Novo Mundo erased half her squad.

She spent a year grounded, mourning her wingmate and overseeing Riven's repairs. Rather than re-enlist, she and Riven — now docked in a Hangar gauntlet — set out to explore the Restless Zones: the untamed edges of the map they'd spent 20 years defending from a distance. New vehicles to pilot and new troubles to mop up have sharpened their skills — as well as their trust in each other.


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