Why settle for seeing only one world?
Wanderers are free spirits in every sense of the word. They prefer exploration and the unknown to a quiet life or a safe home. While this gives them the most flexible recessive traits of any hero, it also makes them too distracted to inherit a dominant marker. And their wanderlust means that they won't stick around long...
Well-rounded - Wanderers have wild recessive traits, which can form a matched pair with any other red, green, blue, or yellow recessive.
Wanderers can't form pairs with other wanderers.
Non-dominant - While wanderers do have a color and contribute towards embellishments, they can't have an inheritance marker slotted into their dominant trait.
Wanderlust - If you're holding a wanderer in your hand at the end of your turn, you must immediately discard it.
Q: What if I have multiple wanderers in my hand at the end of my turn?
A: You have to discard them all. Sorry!
Q: What happens if I get a wanderer in my hand during someone else's turn?
A: You don't have to discard wanderers during other peoples' turns.
If someone gives you a wanderer (for example, by using the level 1 craft embellishment to trade you one), you can hold onto it until the end of your turn before discarding it.