Every legend was young once.
Apprentices are young heroes destined for greatness. Their dominant traits are not yet fully-formed, but they bring with them a wealth of knowledge to share.
Well-studied - When an apprentice is placed onto your family tree, you may immediately play a card from your hand.
Non-dominant - While apprentices do have a color and contribute towards embellishments, they can't have an inheritance marker slotted into their dominant trait.
Q: If someone else places an apprentice onto my tree, who gets to immediately play a card?
A: You do. It doesn't matter who played the apprentice or caused it to enter play; it only matters whose family tree it ends up on.
Q: If I play a skald using an apprentice's ability, what happens?
A: You immediately get to use an embellishment.
Q: What if multiple apprentices and/or skalds get played at once?
A: Queue up all of the skald and apprentice abilities in turn order, then resolve them one at a time. If new abilities get triggered as a result, continue to queue them up and resolve them in turn order.