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United States

Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.



The mechanic

Name: Sefirizat “Sefir” Abassi
Age: 20
Home: United Commonwealth (formerly NAWA Coalition)
Alliance: DSG

Sefirizat Abassi left her family – and lost her glasses – to immigrate to the United Commonwealth, arriving bleary-eyed in a nation with no time for her. Given scraps, she built a hayya bot: her first invention. Given a job, she built a reputation: hard worker, clever, cheerful. She took the money, sent it back to Grandma Golshan, and kept her head down.

Fueled by coffee, Sefir has grown into an ace mechanic. She upgrades reactors and fixes jets. Her hayya bots are smarter than ever. Now working for DSG – paranormal investigators helping the Restless Zones' denizens – she dreams of repairing impossible objects: a glacier host, an orbital skybase, even a titan moon.


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