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United States

Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.



The werewolf

Name: Pakiri Becket
Age: 36
Home: New Southland
Alliance: DSG (formerly Sona Bank)

Pakiri worked for Sona Bank until military nanites infected him while on vacation. Activated by Hour satellites passing over, they absorb nearby metal to twist their host into a feral weapon called a cryptoch. Pakiri kept control, focusing on taxes and lunch – but his neighbors still fled in fear.

Undeterred, he's adopted a new country, new town, new job. He can't outrun the Hours, but he can use his condition to help others. When agents of DSG tracked him down, the globe-trotting paranormal sleuths offered him work as their forensic accountant and occasional battering ram. For a once-timid banker, it's proven to be a strange and delightful new life.


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