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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.



The astronomer

Name: Nefrit
Age: ~41
Home: The Moons
Alliance: None (formerly the Kepla)

Nefrit is brilliant. She pioneered the titan exodus as they fled their home dimension aboard cradle moons. Of course, she's also the reason they left: she discovered and accidentally unleashed the ravenous Uspir Singularity in her quest for new resources. "Making things worse" is how other titans describe her. Many wish she'd just retire.

But for Nefrit, the refrain is: "This time I'll get it right!" She skips guilt for hope. The moons, and now Earth, are littered with her works: monuments to ingenuity and calamity. Nations battle scavengers for the pieces, but Nefrit moves on: there are vast problems to tackle, dimensions to unlock, laws of nature to upend. What could go wrong?


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