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United States

Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

Mr. Zoa

mr. zoa

The shadow

Name: Erich Oratile
Age: 46
Home: South River Nations
Alliance: None (formerly Uhlanga Armada)

In public, Erich Oratile was an ambassador for peace, the loudest politician arguing against geonational militias. Privately, he was Mr. Zoa: pirate captain of the ship-stealing Uhlanga Armada and terror of the River Seas. When his first mate betrayed him to the depths, Zoa's insurance policy became his doom: an atma anchor that revived him as a ghost even as it dragged him hopelessly deeper.

A year-long underwater march carried him to land, but his form is forever fraying. Craving salvation and revenge in equal measure, he now saps life from his foes as he strives to redeem himself on borrowed time. And he has no shortage of foes...


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