Links to various reviews of Norsaga.
See what folks are saying about Norsaga!
“Norsaga fits generations of epic tales and heroic exploits into a 30 minute package that’s easy to teach and easy to play... the use of ghosts and skalds in the advanced play introduces an extra element of player interaction to overcome. Succeed at that and your story will be legend!”
“It’s a lot of cool little puzzle moments, that, when you pull them off, make you feel clever. You have to balance building up your path to victory but also keeping an eye on everyone else to stop them from getting too powerful.”
“I’ve had a chance to sit down and play with both my 5-year-old and 9-year-old... Before you know it they were planning use of their embellishments and tossing ghosts around like nobody’s business. This is one you really shouldn’t pass up.”
“...if your group is naturally inclined to add flavor text to their games you will really enjoy Norsaga, and probably play it enough to get the more intricate parts of the game that take a while to find (which is when the game gets fun, and by fun I mean sneaky tricky fun).”
“I am certain that for the right group, it will be an absolute winner. If you are unconcerned with theme penetration and if your group really enjoys gameplay that is somehow both puzzle-based and cut-throat, Norsaga is a gorgeous game with plenty of playability.”