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United States

Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Art and gameplay design diary as well as current news and updates.

Shipwreck Arcana reprint status

Meromorph Games

For anyone waiting on the next print run of The Shipwreck Arcana, production was delayed due to events in China. US stock is arriving to us by ocean freight, so we expect it to be available around June 2020.

We have a limited number of international bundles available in the webstore as of April 27, 2020. Once these run out, you will likely not be able to order the game outside the US until our next print run (see below).

As of January 2020, we are not planning to offer The Shipwreck Arcana internationally through our webstore on a regular basis. Costs and reliability for international shipping from the US are unfortunately just not where they need to be, for us or our customers. (We are also not currently pursuing international distribution or licensing, for the most part.)

Our new plan is to send small batches of games to an international fulfillment center whenever we do new print runs, and offer those with affordable shipping costs. We currently expect to offer a few hundred of these bundles roughly once each year. We’ll see how this pans out and reevaluate in the future.