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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Art and gameplay design diary as well as current news and updates.

Gen Con 2016 recap (and art)

Meromorph Games

Well, Gen Con is behind us and the whirlwind is dying down a bit. It was a great experience and we introduced Norsaga to a whole host of new people, as well as shaking hands with more than a few of our wonderful Kickstarter backers who were in attendance.

As mentioned, we had 4 promos cards with us at Gen Con, and we want to share the art for these guys:

We'll be listing this promo pack in the online store by the end of August, with options for US and international shipping (unfortunately since all copies will ship from the US, the international shipping will be a bit higher). We're also going to add the original, high-res images for all 4 cards and their card backs to the Downloads page, so that anyone who would like to print their own copies can do so!

While at the con we got same great feedback and a very positive response to our new co-op deduction game prototype, so keep an eye out for more news on that. For anyone who previously signed up as a playtester, we'll be updating the PnP files with the full-color artwork and sending that out within a few weeks. Here's another teaser:

Finally, our time at Gen Con left us so pumped by people's continued response to Norsaga that we started discussing some rather exciting ideas about the future. Who knows how it may shake out, but we hope you'll stay tuned!