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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

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Play Atma on Tabletop Simulator

Meromorph Games

If you’re interested in trying Atma, you don’t have to wait until our Kickstarter campaign this Fall; the first stage and 4 characters are available to play in Tabletop Simulator. You can download the Steam Workshop mod here. The draft rules are linked there as well.

Each stage in Atma is standalone and contains plenty of replay value, while characters can be used with any stage. The Kickstarter will include 4 stages and 12 characters, so this is just a fraction of that content.

We also have a small Discord channel where we discuss demos and playtests that we’re running; feel free to join and ask questions!

Instructions for playing Tabletop Simulator mods:

  • Go to the mod page.

  • Click the “+ Subscribe” button.

  • Open Tabletop Simulator and click Create, then choose Single or Multi player.

  • Under “Workshop”, find the mod and select it.