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Meromorph Games is a game company, creators of the card games The Shipwreck Arcana and Norsaga.

Meromorph Games Blog

Art and gameplay design diary as well as current news and updates.

Gameplay video in the works!

Kevin Bishop


We're rounding up the troops to put together a gameplay video of Norsaga tomorrow.  Movie-making is relatively new ground for those of us involved, so it may take a week or two before it appears on the site. Along with the rulebook, this video will give you a solid idea of how Norsaga plays. Once it's up we'll also start posting a development blog, covering the creation and balancing of the game.

Behind the scenes, we've been busy contacting manufacturers and gathering quotes for Norsaga. To get the kind of quality and price we'd like to see in the finished game means a print run of at least 1000 copies. So if you're excited about the game and can't wait to have it in front of you, tell your friends/gaming group/Friendly Local Game Store and start getting them excited too! Then send them to the site and get them on our mailing list!

So stay tuned...

Inheritance Demo is live!

Kevin Bishop

Inheritance demo Head over to to try our interactive demo from Gen Con 2014!

This is the same configuration we used to teach new players the game at our booth. With the preset family tree, you express every trait you'll need to convince your audience... but genetics prevents you from expressing them all simultaneously, due to the way dominant traits work. So close...

...but change your story with a card from your hand, and suddenly it all clicks into place!

More fun to be had

Once you've figured out the base demo, click "Randomize" to start fresh — no preset family tree, no perfect card in hand, no easy saga. Just you, your audience, and those elusive inheritance markers...